Deborah Knapp, Designer - Skills in Graphic and Web Design
Deborah Knapp, Designer Deborah Knapp - Web & Multimedia Design Deborah Knapp - Graphic Design Deborah Knapp - Resume
Deborah Knapp, Designer
Deborah Knapp,  Graphic Design Deborah Knapp, Designer Deborah Knapp, Designer - Interface Design Deborah Knapp, Designer - Flash Design Deborah Knapp, Designer - Web Banners


Interface, Software Loading
Screens & Multimedia
Application Design


Possessing a background in creating eye-catching,
easy-to-use multimedia applications, software loading
screens and interfaces for use on CD-Rom and DVD.
Designed using applications such as Photoshop,
Flash and Multimedia Builder.

Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 1 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 2 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 3 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 4 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 5 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 6 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 7 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 8 Deborah Knapp, Interface and Multimedia Applications, Sample 9  
  Deborah Knapp, Designer - Interface and Multimedia Applications
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